About Us
As a Home Health Care Company
We are a privately-owned home health services agency offering adults in their homes a chance to remain in their residences and still get the care they need from a health professional. With the guidance of your private physician, we can design a care plan which will effectively preserve your health and safety at home. We encourage good health, speed up recovery and give you the option to stay at home where relaxation is guaranteed.
As a Member of our Community
We want to be a significant contributor to the community. Serving our clients in their homes is a start. We embrace our responsibility to give patients a lifestyle that they can still find comfort with given that they are in the familiar environment of your home. At APLUS HEALTH CARE, LLC, state-approved home health care services are provided by trained medical professionals – nurses, therapists and home health aides. As part of the community, this is our gift – Our Passion. We care for you because we share the same community and we work to make it a better place to exist in.
As your Family
A care professional from our office may visit you on an hourly, daily or weekly basis. However, with each visit, we will get to know you more and be a part of your health maintenance. With that, we hope to make a positive difference in your life at home just like family does. You become part of the Aplus family.
Get started soon! Call 612-276-3300 to ask about availability of services in your area.
Let's make your life at home convenient! APLUS HEALTH CARE, LLC will help you reduce pains and manage your health with services fit for your condition.
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1821 University Ave #445
St. Paul, MN 55104
Phone: 612-276-3300
Fax: 612-276-3300
Email Address: aplushhc@gmail.com